Ultrasonic Flowmeters l SoundWater Technologies

SoundWater Technologies announces C1D2 certification, AND UL/CSA compliance.

New Orcas Model Available!

A new, smaller portable ultrasonic flowmeter designed to save you time and money!

We’re pleased to announce the addition of a new model to the Orcas Family of Flowmeters. The Orcas T42-C2 is unique in that it is smaller and designed for smaller pipes.


Some new features and difference include:

  • It’s only 12” in length, which allows it to fit into tight spaces

  • It uses a different mounting strap that’s better grabbing power on small diameter pipes. This strap is still integrated into the flowmeter, fast and easy to use!

  • It works down to ¾” pipe sizes.

In addition to these new features, the Orcas T42-C2 offers the same great features as all our family of Orcas Products. Advantages and features include:

  • Measure flow in under one minute

  • SoundWater Reciprocity Architecture

  • Auto-Adjusting Ultrasonic Power

  • Mobile App for fast, intuitive setup and use

  • One-piece construction; no assembly

  • Integrated cam-cleats that instantly

  • Snap on/off the pipe

  • Wireless design

  • Compact size for carry-on/travel

  • Gel-free transducers (optional)

  • Battery powered & portable

You can find out more about our family of products here.