The new feature Coupling Pad Mode allows the flowmeter to use rubber coupling pads for transmitting ultrasound into the pipe. This feature should be enabled when using the Viton coupling pads provided by SoundWater Tech. While coupling pads slightly affect ultrasound transit time, this effect is important for accurate flow measurement calculations. The impact is more pronounced in small pipes, where the transit time through the coupling pad is a larger proportion of the total transit time. For larger pipes, the effect may be negligible.
Regardless of pipe size, enabling or disabling this mode based on whether or not coupling pads are used will improve measurement accuracy.
To access Coupling Pad Mode, navigate to the Advanced Setup menu. From the measurement screen, select “Edit” → “Advanced” → “Coupling Pads.” Toggle the switch to "Yes" or "No" to enable or disable the feature.
This new feature is available for all SoundWater flowmeters—no firmware update required.
This new feature is available for all flowmeters – i.e., no firmware update required.