Ultrasonic Flowmeter & Flow Computer Security
SoundWater Technologies recently released a new update to the Orcas App which includes controls to setup a security password for your flowmeter. The password is used to protect:
flowmeter setup,
totalizer reset, and
data logger data and activity from unauthorized users.
The security feature is available for Cypress flowmeters versions 3.11 and later (2020+).
This is a valuable update for mission critical applications, or applications where multiple users are accessing the flowmeter. Without the password protection, users can mistakenly change a flowmeters setup, data logger activity, or reset its totalizer. These are bad situations that can be easily avoided with this update.
If you are also using the Flow Computer, it also has a password protection feature to restrict access to unauthorized users. Enabling the security feature in Flow Computer or Cypress is simple.
Navigate to the Setup -> Security
Flip the enable switch to 'on'
Create a password (a six-digit number)
Write it down somewhere - and don't lose it!
After enabling security, users will be required to enter their password to view and/or edit any setup menu, or to reset the totalizer.
Please note: The security information is stored within the flowmeter or Flow Computer electronics itself, not within the mobile ape. Therefore, new users or devices attempting to gain access will be restricted by the security feature. Unauthorized users will have access to viewing flow measurements but cannot edit the setup.
While both the Cypress and Flow Computer have a password protected security feature, they are also separate. If you enable security on one, it does NOT affect the other. You must turn them both on or off, each with its own password as desired.
The Flow Computer has fewer settings that could affect the measurement, but it does have setup for hardware outputs and communication: 4-20mA, pulse, modbus and alarm. All of which should all be protected to prevent an unauthorized user mistakenly changing the setup and causing communications failure.
This is a valuable new feature for the Cypress Flowmeter, and Flow Computer and is freely available to existing customers with products built in 2020 and later.
As always, we would love to talk with you about your flow application - give us a call so we can help!